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In bilico - Islands, Taiwan and Sicilia

DURATION: 2018-07-07 ~ 2018-08-08
OPENING: 2018-07-06 00:19-AM
ADDRESS: Corso Sempione 55/A 21052 – Busto Arsizio – VA
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This book is the catalogue of the exhibition “In bilico - Islands, Taiwan and Sicilia” that was promoted by Nicola Marinello (Ni-Ma.it), in cooperation with the art galleries Magazzini dell’Arte, Trapani, Italy, and Group.G’s G.Gallery and Guju, Taipei Taiwan, with the artistic direction of Massimiliano Robino and Alessandro Martinelli. The exhibition showcases 9 Taiwanese artist and 9 Sicilian artists, the work of which elaborates on different aspects of their culture and landscape of reference. By the means of this operation, the exhibition aims to spark social and cultural exchange between two different island cultures, but also to raise a question concerning the island culture today. Indeed, the exhibition understands this last as a form of resistance against the homogenization of globalization, a resistance that must be understood in its positive aspects for to improve and contribute to the life of contemporary societies across the world. Alessandro Martinelli The islands, far or near as they are, look at the continents with serenity. They do not feel the difference in size: they have high and snow-capped mountains, active volcanoes that illuminate the night during lava flows. They let themselves be touched by the hot winds and the summer lashes, while the sea caresses the beaches like a patient lover. You can not end up there by chance; you have to choose to go there. To get there you need to detach from the mainland: only in this way, you will be able to touch their sands and rocks, to feel the perfumes, voices, flavors. In the nights, the light-towers indicate the contours, they guide you from one to the other end. You can meet hills and lush forests, a sweet and musical language, or listen to the stories of fishermen and young tourists who came for a day and remained forever. The islands abduct and welcome. They do not ask for anything, but they take everything. Nothing of what happens remains lost. Everything returns continuously to recompose, unite, regenerate. The islands love to hide, so as that we rediscover them larger. To put on in unstable balance a short introduction - The works within the traveling art exhibition “In bilico” -i.e. in unstable balance- are a variegated portrait of the differences and similarities between ideas born and raised far away, but close for purpose and storytelling. The game proposed to visitors is to look for the red line that unites the works of the artists. The visitor’s compass can guide them in the formal representation of Arcangelo Favata. The users will be able to combine his burns on wood with the innovation of Jan Wu, which presents well defined and recognizable profiles by the means of traditional media. The theme of the environment involves the painting of Liao Chun-Yu and Antonio Sammartano. The mountains and the waves of the Pacific Ocean, that are high, majestic, and full of dangers create a game of references with the landscapes affected by the heat of Mediterranean sea, where the figures evaporate, at the mercy of the events as well as the climate, leaving the task to the observer to trace the subject of those landscapes to give them a name and a dignity. Yao Jui-Chung unmasks the absurdity of the human condition, breaking up what wants to present itself in his white robe of orthodoxy, not unlike Andrea Lombardo who, in the series “Poltrone & Potere”, describes the fragility of power, with its lights and shadows, with its black hole that accompanies it and can swallow it at any moment. Takahiko Suzuki with his ironic style counteracts a shopping that, son of the era of globalization, doesn’t sell other but itself. This same globalization and desire to be social, glamor, in step with the times, brings the tame cow of Igor Scalisi Palminteri to desire a pleasant happy hour. The assemblages by Luca Mannino make different elements converge, by birth and purpose. Its synthesis holds together mechanics and organic, so as to give birth to that different being that questions the preconceived schemes. Likewise, the photos of Wu Cheng-Chan compare the beautiful and the not beautiful to present the absurdity of everyday contradictions, to ignite or reinforce the friction between the contiguous and contrasting elements of reality. Massimiliano Robino presents his contemporary vision of crucifixion, of the man who once again has to defend his specificity and autonomy of thought: even at the risk of sacrificing his life in order to free his children from the weight of false fears. As in a contrast, Chou Ching-hui describes the attention of men for the myriad of objects that are entrusted with the psychological protection of people, objects that do nothing but foster illusions. Angelo Crazyone and Lee Chi-Hsiang tell about the characters and social contexts that are constantly on the run: sometimes we are too far to see the details and sometimes we are too close to understand the global context. On the same wavelength, Mimmo Palmizi recovers fragments of majolica floors that lose their real and minimal size. These are dilated in pictorial giganthographs that can be combined with the research of Maria Lezhnina, who photographs the signs of the city’s architectural landscape, that has become a daily alphabet, often unnoticed. These lines of conjunction, just proposed, are some of the many that can be traced. The invitation is to look at the works, observe them, study them, to get “in bilico” towards them, to get lost and fall in love with the languages that are used and the stories told. Andrea Lombardo exhibiting artist Antonio Sammartano, Angelo Crazyone, Arcangelo Favata, Andrea Lombardo, Igor Scalisi Palminteri, Luca Mannino, Mimmo Palmizi, Max Robino, 吳政璋 Wu Cheng-Chang, 廖俊裕 Liao Chun-Yu, 姚瑞 中 Yao Jui-Chung, 周慶輝 Chou Ching-Hui, 劉星佑 Liu Hsing-Yu, Maria Lezhnina, 鈴⽊貴彥 Takahiko Suzuki, 李吉祥 Lee Chi-Hsiang, 吳耿禎 Jam Wu Sicilian Gallery short description - The Magazzini dell’Arte Also registered as a cultural association, it was born in 2008. The founders, Antonio Sammartano and Franco Mazzucchelli, wanted it to be a meeting point for the ideas, initiatives of artists, critics, galleries, other associations and anyone else interested in promoting contemporary art. The objective was to build up a bridge between the artists and the public, giving them the chance to see how works of art are born and how they evolve, and how the different artistic languages compare, intersect and communicate with each other. To achieve this, the gallery organizes exhibitions, courses, debates on the various aspects of contemporary art, design, and architecture. The “Magazzini dell’Arte Trapani” aims at promoting contemporary art in all its forms. From the beginning the gallery has organized exhibitions, prizes, and conferences to promote artists and their projects, connecting them within a common framework, with the prospect of making contemporary art familiar to a larger public and stimulating curiosity for it. While the gallery is always open to suggestions and proposals for collaboration, in Italy or abroad, in the past the “Magazzini dell’Arte” has organised the Trapani Biennial, the MagnetikZone contemporary art project, and the Spektrum Prize. Acknowlegments I sincerely thank the Taiwanese representative office in Italy and the Ambassador Javier Ching-shan Hou, and the Italian Economic, Trade, And Cultural Promotion office in Taiwan and the Representative Donato Scioscioli for the support to the event. A sincere thanks to Emilio Bosco of the Assapurari cultural association together with Nicola Ganci for the logistic-culinary organization and the public relations, the Municipality of Trapani, represented by the Mayor Giacomo Tranchida, then Ivana Inferrera from the Euploia association, and those companies that sponsored the event, such as Gruppo Alfano spa. “In bilico” is an exhibition that comes from a desire to compare two seemingly different island cultures, discovered after two unexpected trips of mine. In 2012, I found myself in Taipei for the first time, and I have understood right away the quality of life and the beauty of the place. This brought me the conviction that I must explain to my country, Italy, the beauty of a place so unique and so far. Then, due to the constant cultural exchange that has later developed thanks to the ties with professor Alessandro Martinelli, and the Taiwanese University where he is teaching -i.e. the Chinese Culture University, in particular, the Department of Landscape architecture, chaired by prof. Monica Kuo- I have discovered various aspects of the local culture, that brought me a deeper understanding of the cultural richness, such as the attention and the beauty of the landscape, but also a millenary culinary history. In 2016, I have discovered Sicilia, and it was a sudden love. In particular thanks to Massimiliano Robino, the artist participating in this exhibition, I have discovered a world until that moment “apparently unknown.” The more I have visited, the more I experienced those feelings I had a few years before in Taiwan: a high quality of life, a unique landscape, and a strong local culture. From these two trips of mine, I had the intuition of this exhibition that I have promoted, and that revolves around the desire to compare the islands, their cultural stratigraphy, and landscape. The exhibition aims to promote the reciprocal meeting and understanding of the two cultures, “in bilico,” without precautions, starting from their essence, that is the condition of the island. “In bilico” is part of a cultural cycle that Ni-Ma.it is planning to organize annually and will see the alternation of art and architecture exhibitions, with the same cultural diptych and spatial triptych: a city in Sicilia (e.g. Trapani), a meeting point (e.g. Milano), and a city in Taiwan (e.g. Taipei). This way, the exhibition will offer the possibility of a direct confrontation between the two islands, but will also bring the contents to the view of a larger audience. Nicola Marinello Ni-Ma.it