Home / News / Yao Jui-chung : The World is For All-China Beyond China

Yao Jui-chung : The World is For All-China Beyond China

DURATION: 2000-09-12 ~ 2000-09-30
OPENING: 2000-09-12
VENUE: MOMA Contemporary, Japan
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This is the second T-2 exhibition at MOMA Contemporary in Fukuoka, Japan. This solo exhibition series, aimed at increasing Japanese audience’s understanding of Taiwanese contemporary art, was held from 1997-2002. Yao Jui-Chung`s installation piece, ‘The world is for all’, the last part of a series that he worked on since 1994, deals consistently with issues of identity for people in Taiwan. This catalogue includes an article by Mio Iwakiri and a brief biography of the artist.