Civilization III: Jiangling An Artistic and Humanistic Project with On-siteInterpretation and Regeneration Curator:Dai Zhuoqun Artists: Jiang Zhi, Liang Shuo, L+( Pak Sheung Chuen, Yim SuiFong), Shi Jinsong, Shen Shaomin, Xu Zhongmin, Yao Jui-chung, ZhangSongtao Support:Hubei Institute of Fine Aarts Venue:Hubei Institute of Fine Aarts Art Gallery (Zhongshan Road No.374,Wuchang District,Wuhan City,HubeiProvince,China) “Civilization”, as an imagination that points to the diverseand open-minded artistic practice, invites artists to engage in therudimentary level of urban units condensed of the Chinese reality,through methods of travel and visits, it allows artists to expandon ones creative practice and deduction in their respectiveperspectives, and to observe the focused regional history, socialissues, and culture, in order to provide a diversified, wide andopen mapping of the complex life and reality of today. “Civilization” is an artistic and humanistic project withon-site onterpretation and regeneration, expanding from everyrudimentary urban unit, from a point to a field in the particularand focused fields to inspire new shared values and creativepossibilities. In exploring the actual fields of artistic andcultural sites within the global context, how can contemporary artconnected to its habitat, the specific parameter of artisticintervention in society, as well as activating the vacuousconceptual space with real sites, diversified creative practiceprojecting the contemporary through history, tradition andreality. “Jiangling” is the third experiment of the “Civilization”artistic project. In July 2014, the initiator of “Civilization”project, curator Dai Zhuoqun invited eight artists (groups) todepart from Wuhan, travelling through Xiangyang, Mt. Wudang,Shennongjia, Yichang, along the Three Gorges to Jizhou,establishing a different artistic journey. Half a year later, theartists completed a series of works from their own positions andangels and will be shown at the museum of the Wuhan Art Academy. Inorder to realize more diverse facades and individual angles, thecurator has made differentiated assessment from the invitation ofthe artists to the presentation of the exhibition. The invitedartists will show their works through the medium of painting,installation, sculpture, ink painting, video and interactiveprojects. In the second year of Qianyuan, the poet Li Bai travelled onThree Gorges, half way, he rode a boat to return to Jiangling, forwhich he wrote a poem, Going Down to Jiangling, as the verse“Returning thousands of li to Jiangling in one day”. “CivilizationRound 3”, journey to Jiangling, is not only inspired by Li Bai’spoem, a group of people revisiting the ancient land of the formerJing and Chu states, leaving from Wuhan, through Xiangyang, Mt.Wudang, Shennongjia, Yichang and along the Three Gorges to arriveat Jingzhou. As a city, Jiangling was the former city of Jingzhou,the capital of the Chu state, since the Spring and Autum, WaringState Period to the Five Dynasties, there were thirty four emperorsestablished their capital here over a period of five hundred andfifteen years. Since the Han dynasty, Jiangling has been theadministrative region of Jingzhou, it is a central city of theJianghan plains, and the origin of the Jingchu culture.